Foundational unit for the range
Power quality
- V, I, PF, kW, kWh, iTHD, vTHD,
- TDD, kVAR, kVARh, kVAh, voltage and current unbalance
- Demand – kW, kVA, kVAr, peak kW
- Current and voltage harmonics
- 1% system accuracy
Waveform capture
- 133 samples per cycle
- 12 complete cycles per capture
- Seven waveforms captured on each event (V1, V2, V3, I1, I2, I3, IN)
- Download via image file, or
- CSV from URL link, or from web UI
- Temperature/humidity sensors via
one-wire sensors
Power Systems
- 120VAC- 480VAC
- Up to 4000 Amps
- 50/60 Hz
Bus port
- Vref, power, and comms for platform add-ons
- RJ45 Cat6 interconnection cable
Modular design
- Three-phase power quality meter
- Available from 20A to 4000A
Dry contact board add-on module
- Dual digital inputs
- Additional analog input
- Relay output
- Additional CT input
- Modbus TCP, SNMP, BACnet/IP
- RS-485 Modbus RTU
- Dual ethernet daisy chain
Flexible installation
- Busway end feed
- Retrofit or new install